News and events

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CBC August 2019 Luncheon

August 22, 2019 CBC August 2019 Luncheon

Event archive, CBC
Member RSVP
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Statement by Bishop Mascord on the appeal of Cardinal Pell

Statement by Bishop Mascord on the appeal of Cardinal Pell

Professional standards and safeguarding, Bishop Brian Mascord - August 21, 2019
My Sisters and Brothers in Christ I write to you concerning the decision handed down today by the Supreme Court of Victoria’s Court of Appeal...
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Quo Vadis—Pope Francis and the call to holiness

Quo Vadis—Pope Francis and the call to holiness

Vocations, Fr Duane Fernandez - August 15, 2019
In our time, there is a deeply felt urgency to “get more priests” for our diocese. Many dioceses throughout Australia and the Western world are...
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The big story

The big story

New evangelisation, Peter Gilmore - August 15, 2019
Moses, Jeremiah, Ruth, Esther, Jonah and ... you. We hear people talk about God having a plan for our lives, but we don’t often think...
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It’s Fairs to say we love her! An interview with Frances Fairs

It’s Fairs to say we love her! An interview with Frances Fairs

Debbie Gates, Parish life - August 15, 2019
Frances Fairs teaching CCD in the classroom. Photo by Daniel Hopper. “I know who you are! I remember you from our cocktail party, but I’m...
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Rome sweet home—Finding our home in the Catholic Church

Rome sweet home—Finding our home in the Catholic Church

New evangelisation, Jude Hennessy - August 15, 2019
Henri and Tianah Taylor with their son, August. Photo by Daniel Hopper. Henri and Tianah Taylor are both 22 years old and grew up in...
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Can you not watch one hour with me?

Can you not watch one hour with me?

Lachlan Gillespie, Youth and Young Adults - August 15, 2019
Photos by Daniel Hopper. While I have always professed being Catholic, there have been, and continue to be, many times where I live in a...
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Listen to what the Spirit is saying

Listen to what the Spirit is saying

Jude Hennessy, Plenary Council - August 14, 2019
In October 2020, the Catholic Church in Australia will gather for the first plenary council to be held since the Second Vatican Council. From August...
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Bishop announces retirement of diocese’s beloved Director of Schools Peter Turner

Bishop announces retirement of diocese’s beloved Director of Schools Peter Turner

Catholic education, Bishop Brian Mascord - August 7, 2019
Dear Friends I write to convey, to you, the news that Mr Peter Turner has advised me of his intention to retire from his position...
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Help stop attempts to make abortion legal up until birth in NSW

Help stop attempts to make abortion legal up until birth in NSW

Family and life - August 3, 2019
Earlier this week, the Reproductive Health Care Reform Bill 2019 (Bill) was tabled in NSW Parliament. If passed, it will make abortion legal up until...
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Australian bishops’ pastoral letter for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Sunday

Australian bishops’ pastoral letter for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Sunday

Australian bishops - July 5, 2019
Theme artwork for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Sunday by Queenie McKenzie. This weekend (7 July 2019) is Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Sunday. The...
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Bishop Brian and Australian bishops meet Pope Francis, pray at St Peter’s tomb

Bishop Brian and Australian bishops meet Pope Francis, pray at St Peter’s tomb

Bishop Brian Mascord - June 25, 2019
Pope Francis has given his apostolic blessing to the Australian Catholic bishops and encouraged them to explore new ways of being missionary in Australia at...
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