Jubilee Year of Hope

“Hope does not disappoint.”

Welcome to Jubilee 2025: Pilgrims of Hope! This page is your guide to everything related to the Jubilee 2025 in the Diocese of Wollongong. As we embrace this Holy Year proclaimed by Pope Francis, you’ll find all the information you need to participate in its blessings. From details about Jubilee pilgrimage sites and plenary indulgences to resources for prayer, formation, and community engagement, this page will help you make the most of this sacred journey.

Discover key Jubilee events, opportunities to visit designated pilgrimage sites, and ways to deepen your faith through the Jubilee’s themes of hope and renewal. Stay updated with liturgical celebrations, formation opportunities, and suggestions for embracing hope through acts of service and prayer. Let this page inspire and equip you to be a true Pilgrim of Hope, bringing light and trust to the world.

Embracing Jubilee 2025 as Pilgrims of Hope—a message from Bishop Brian Mascord

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ

Pope Francis has proclaimed that 2025 will be a Holy Year of Jubilee, a special year of grace and conversion, involving prayer, pilgrimage and sacramental repentance, ordinarily held every 25 years. The goal of a Jubilee year is to inspire and encourage holiness of life among the faithful and therefore to strengthen the Church’s witness to God’s loving mercy in and for the world.

The spiritual theme for the 2025 Holy Year of Jubilee is ‘Pilgrims of Hope’.

The Jubilee year will commence with the opening of the Holy Door of Saint Peter’s Basilica on 24 December 2024. As will be the case in dioceses around the world, I will open the Holy Year in the Diocese of Wollongong on Sunday 29 December 2024 at the celebration of 10.30am Mass at St Francis Xavier Cathedral, Wollongong. The Jubilee will conclude on Sunday 28th December 2025.

In choosing the motto ‘Pilgrims of Hope’ for the Jubilee, Pope Francis noted that ‘We must fan the flame of hope that has been given to us and help everyone to gain new strength and certainty by looking to the future with an open spirit, a trusting heart and far-sighted vision. The forthcoming Jubilee can contribute greatly to restoring a climate of hope and trust as a prelude to the renewal and rebirth that we so greatly desire’ (1).

It is just on twelve months ago that I promulgated Come and See, Go and Make – A Vision for Parishes. In rearticulating the mission of our diocese and painting a picture of the parish I see, I extoll the faithful to embrace this vision, its key principles and foundations, noting the need for all of us to be ‘overwhelmed not by fear, but by hope!’ (2)

I regard it as most providential, that having commenced this journey of renewal in the Church of Wollongong, that we are being invited by Pope Francis to embrace renewed hope, and to continue to progress the elements of this diocesan vision for parishes under the great graces that will come from this Jubilee Year.

Diocesan places of Jubilee pilgrimage

In response to Pope Francis’ encouragement to embrace the historic tradition of pilgrimage, I have designated the following places within the Diocese of Wollongong as Jubilee pilgrimage sites for the Holy Year. These visits present an opportunity to embrace the grace of the Jubilee plenary indulgence.

The faithful are encouraged to visit these places and use the Pilgrim Passport developed for our diocese, with its accompanying information, prayers and space to have visits stamped at each site.

St Francis Xavier Cathedral, Wollongong

I will attend this diocesan pilgrimage site on (Date TBA) and impart the papal blessing.

Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, Unanderra

I will attend this diocesan pilgrimage site on (Date TBA) and impart the papal blessing.

Our Lady Help of Christians Catholic Church, Rosemeadow

I will attend this diocesan pilgrimage site on (Date TBA) and impart the papal blessing.

St Mary Star of the Sea Catholic Church, Milton

I will attend this diocesan pilgrimage site on (Date TBA) and impart the papal blessing.

St Joseph’s Catholic Church, Kangaroo Valley

I will attend this diocesan pilgrimage site on (Date TBA) and impart the papal blessing.

Shrine of Our Lady of Mercy, Penrose Park

I will attend this diocesan pilgrimage site on (Date TBA) and impart the papal blessing.

According to the Apostolic Penitentiary Decree, the faithful who are “truly repentant and free from any affection for sin, moved by a spirit of charity and who, during the Holy Year, purified through the sacrament of penance and refreshed by Holy Communion, and praying for the intentions of the Supreme Pontiff” can obtain the Jubilee Indulgence. Pope Francis explained that the indulgence is a way of “discovering the unlimited nature of God’s mercy”.

A plenary indulgence with remission and forgiveness of all their sins, the Jubilee Indulgence also requires “devoutly visiting any Jubilee site and there, for a suitable period of time, engage in Eucharistic adoration and meditation, concluding with the Our Father, the Profession of Faith in any legitimate form, and invocations to Mary, the Mother of God.” It is also recommended that pilgrims, either personally or communally, recite the Holy Year Pilgrim’s Prayer. (3)

Each Jubilee pilgrimage church site will host opportunities at advertised times during the Holy Year. I encourage you as individuals, families, and as communities to visit these sites of pilgrimage throughout the course of the year. During the Holy Year, I will visit each of the Jubilee pilgrimage churches to preside at a sacred liturgical celebration or devotion and, on that occasion, “impart the papal blessing with the ascribed plenary indulgence, obtainable by all the faithful who receive this blessing under the usual conditions.”(4) These visits will be advertised in due course on the diocesan website and via the weekly communications notices.

The diocesan website will in due course provide a variety of pertinent information about the Jubilee year, including a list of key events in these places of pilgrimage.

As we enter this Advent season of hope and expectation, preparing to celebrate the birth of Jesus, the hope of the world, I ask that we as a community, pray together the Jubilee Year prayer, so that each one of us is inspired as believers to spread hope through our actions and words, encouraging others to trust in God’s promises and love.


Most Rev Brian G Mascord DD
Bishop of Wollongong
01 December 2024
  1. Letter of +Francis to Msgr. R Fisichella, President of the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of the New Evangelisation for the Jubilee 2025.
  2. Come & See, Go & Make – A Vision for Parishes, para 69, Most Rev Brian G Mascord DD.
  3. Decree on the Granting of Indulgences during the Jubilee of 2025, Given at Rome by the Apostolic Penitentiary, 13th May 2024.
  4. Ibid.

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What is a Jubilee?

A Jubilee Year, or Holy Year, is traditionally proclaimed every 25 years as a time of grace, forgiveness, and spiritual renewal. It invites the faithful to embark on pilgrimages, seek repentance, forgive others, and deepen their relationship with God. Rooted in the Hebrew tradition, Jubilees were celebrated every 50 years, marking the freeing of slaves and forgiveness of debts, as described in Leviticus. The first Christian Jubilee was proclaimed by Pope Boniface VIII in 1300, and since then, each Jubilee has been an opportunity for the faithful to experience God’s mercy and receive a plenary indulgence.

The 2025 Jubilee, themed “Pilgrims of Hope,” begins on 24 December 2024 with the Opening of the Holy Door of Saint Peter’s Basilica and concludes on 6 January 2026, the feast of the Epiphany. Locally, the Jubilee in the Diocese of Wollongong will commence with the opening of the Holy Door at St Francis Xavier Cathedral on 29 December 2024. This special celebration will feature prayers, a pilgrimage walk led by Bishop Brian Mascord, and the celebration of the Eucharist. The faithful are encouraged to embrace this Holy Year by participating in pilgrimages, prayer, eucharistic Adoration, and acts of repentance and charity, drawing closer to the limitless mercy of God.


read Pope Francis’ Jubilee letterread papal bull of indiction

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Understanding the Jubilee indulgence

Pope Francis invites us to rediscover the boundless mercy of God through the Jubilee Plenary Indulgence (complete forgiveness of the temporal effects of sin, such as spiritual consequences of forgiven sins). This extraordinary gift of grace is offered to all the faithful who are truly repentant (feeling deep sorrow for sins committed), free from attachment to sin (a deliberate decision to avoid sin in all forms), and sincerely seek God’s forgiveness and renewal. The indulgence allows us to experience the transformative power of reconciliation with God and others.

To receive this gift, the faithful are called to:

  • Be purified through the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
  • Receive the Holy Eucharist with a heart open to grace.
  • Pray for the intentions of the Holy Father.
  • Embrace a spirit of charity and humility.

What is an indulgence?

An indulgence is a sign of God’s abundant mercy, extended through the Church to free us from the residual effects of sin (the spiritual harm left behind even after sin is forgiven). While the Sacrament of Reconciliation (confession of sins to a priest) forgives sins, an indulgence helps to heal the lingering wounds caused by sin, enabling a person to grow in holiness. This grace strengthens us to love more fully and avoid falling into sin again.

As Pope Francis reminds us, “The Jubilee indulgence is a way of discovering the unlimited nature of God’s mercy” (Spes non confundit). Through this grace, we grow closer to God and share in his divine love and mercy.

How to obtain the Jubilee indulgence

During the Holy Year of 2025, the faithful can obtain a plenary indulgence (complete forgiveness of the temporal effects of sin) by fulfilling all the following general conditions:

Detachment from sin

Foster a true desire to avoid all sin, even venial sins (minor sins that harm but do not completely sever our relationship with God). This involves a commitment to turn away from sin and turn toward God.

Sacrament of Reconciliation

Participate in the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) within 20 days before or after the indulgenced act.

Download detailed examination of conscience

Eucharistic Communion

Receive Holy Communion (the Body and Blood of Christ), ideally on the same day as performing the indulgenced act, to strengthen your union with God.

Prayers for the pope’s intentions

Offer prayers for the intentions of the pope (for the good of the Church and the world), such as an Our Father, Hail Mary, or other prayers.

Additionally, after completing the four foundational steps, the faithful must perform one or more of the following specific acts to gain the plenary indulgence:


Visit one or more of the six designated Jubilee sites in the diocese (see below) and participate in prayers or liturgical celebrations. This may include attending Mass, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, praying the Rosary, meditating on the Word of God or devotional practices offered at the site. It is also recommended that pilgrims, either personally or communally, recite the Holy Year Pilgrim’s Prayer.

Acts of charity and mercy

Follow Christ’s call by serving those in need: visiting the sick, aiding the poor, comforting the sorrowful, and supporting the marginalised. This also includes defending life at all stages, from the unborn to the elderly, volunteering to help abandoned children, struggling youth, the needy, or migrants, and caring for God’s creation as a reflection of gratitude and stewardship. Each act, offered with a prayerful heart, can merit an indulgence, especially when repeated during the Jubilee Year.

Spiritual growth and formation

Engage in spiritual retreats, catechetical programs, or study the teachings of the Second Vatican Council and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Bishop Mascord also urges the faithful in the Diocese of Wollongong to use Come and See Go and Make – A Vision for Parishes, using the diocesan resource documents and videos, produced for this purpose.

Fasting and self-sacrifice

Embrace penance (acts of spiritual discipline) through fasting, abstaining from unnecessary distractions, and dedicating resources to help the poor and vulnerable.

Papal blessing

Receive a papal blessing imparted by Bishop Brian Mascord at one of his Jubilee site visits soon to be announced in our diocese. This includes all associated indulgences under the usual conditions.

For those unable to travel

The faithful who are unable to visit pilgrimage sites due to serious reasons, such as illness or imprisonment, can unite spiritually with the Jubilee. By offering prayers, meditations, or acts of mercy where they are, they can still obtain the indulgence under the usual conditions. Pope Francis emphasises that this inclusion ensures that everyone can partake in God’s mercy, regardless of their circumstances.

A gift of mercy for the living and the dead

Faithful may offer the plenary indulgence on behalf of deceased loved ones, aiding their journey through purification in purgatory to heavenly peace. This beautiful act of intercession highlights the unity of the Church: those in heaven (triumphant), those undergoing purification (suffering), and those on earth (militant).

Faithful can receive one plenary indulgence per day under the usual conditions. However, an exception is made for prayers offered on behalf of souls in purgatory. If a second act of charity or devotion is performed and Holy Communion is received again that same day, a second plenary indulgence can be gained for the benefit of a deceased soul.

This double indulgence underscores the unity of the Church and the spiritual support we can offer to those in need of purification.

Through prayer, penance, and acts of charity, may we fully embrace the grace of the Jubilee Year and be renewed as true “Pilgrims of Hope.”
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Scenario One: Maria’s Jubilee journey

Maria, a mother, learns about the Jubilee plenary indulgence at her parish. She feels inspired to participate but is unsure how to begin. With guidance from her parish priest, she plans her steps to receive this extraordinary grace:

Preparation for the Jubilee indulgence

  • Maria examines her conscience and attends the Sacrament of Reconciliation with her parish priest. She sincerely repents for her sins and resolves to avoid them in the future (detachment from sin).
  • On the day of her confession, she also receives the Eucharist at Mass, strengthening her relationship with Christ.
  • Before leaving the church, she prays an Our Father and a Hail Mary for the Pope’s intentions.

Performing a specific act

  • The following week, Maria decides to visit the nearby designated Jubilee church at Our Lady Help of Christians, Rosemeadow. She brings her family along to encourage them to participate. Upon arrival, she spends time in eucharistic Adoration, thanking God for his mercy and reflecting on her blessings.
  • Maria prays the Rosary with her family and ends with a personal prayer for the Pope’s intentions.

By completing these steps with a sincere and humble heart, Maria gains the plenary indulgence, experiencing the fullness of God’s mercy and grace.

Scenario Two: Bill’s Jubilee journey

Bill, a retiree, hears about the Jubilee Plenary indulgence and decides to offer it for both himself and a deceased loved one. Initially unsure of how to proceed, he seeks advice from his parish priest and learns the steps to participate. With a plan in mind, he begins his journey of grace:

Preparation for the Jubilee indulgence

Bill starts by examining his conscience and going to Confession at his local parish, where he earnestly confesses his sins and resolves to turn away from them (detachment from sin).

He then participates in Sunday Mass and receives Holy Communion with devotion.

After Mass, Bill prays the Our Father and Hail Mary for the pope’s intentions.

Performing specific acts

For his first indulgence, Bill visits his elderly mother in a nursing home. He spends the day with her, comforting her, sharing memories, and praying together. He offers this act of charity with a prayerful heart, completing the conditions for the indulgence.

For his second indulgence, Bill offers prayers for his recently deceased uncle. He begins by attending a weekday Mass for the repose of his uncle’s soul, then visits a cemetery where his uncle is buried. At the cemetery, he prays for his uncle using the Our Father, Hail Mary, and other prayers for the deceased. By fulfilling the foundational steps again and performing these devout acts of prayer and remembrance, he gains a plenary indulgence on his uncle’s behalf.

Through these actions, Bill experiences the profound mercy of God while extending that grace to others, living out the call to be a true Pilgrim of Hope. Bill received two plenary indulgences because he completed the required steps twice—once for himself and once for his deceased uncle. For his mother, he fulfilled the foundational steps, visited her with charity, and prayed with her. For his uncle, he met the same conditions, attended Mass, and prayed for the dead at his graveside. These distinct and sincere acts allowed Bill to gain separate indulgences, demonstrating God’s boundless mercy and the Church’s call to intercede for others.
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Diocesan Jubilee pilgrimage sites

In response to Pope Francis’ call to embrace the historic tradition of pilgrimage, Bishop Brian Mascord has designated the following locations within the Diocese of Wollongong as official Jubilee pilgrimage sites for the Holy Year. Visiting these sacred places provides the faithful with a unique opportunity to participate in the grace of the Jubilee plenary indulgence.

To enhance the pilgrimage experience, the diocese will soon release a Pilgrim Passport, specially designed for Diocese of Wollongong pilgrims. This resource will include:

  • Instructions on obtaining the Jubilee indulgence.
  • Prayers for pilgrims to deepen their spiritual journey.
  • A comprehensive guide to the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
  • A dedicated space to record and stamp visits at each designated pilgrimage site.

Bishop Brian Mascord will personally visit each pilgrimage site during the Holy Year to impart the papal blessing. This blessing, accompanied by the usual conditions, offers another opportunity to gain a plenary indulgence.

Details, including dates and times for these events, will be published here soon. We encourage all the faithful to prepare for this sacred journey and make the most of this extraordinary time of grace.

Download Pilgrim Passport

Jubilee prayers

The Jubilee Prayer

In early December 2024, Bishop Brian Mascord distributed Jubilee prayer cards to every parish in the diocese, encouraging both individual and communal prayer to ensure the prayer becomes a cherished part of the faithful’s spiritual journey throughout the Jubilee Year:

Father in heaven,
may the faith you have given us
in your Son, Jesus Christ, our brother,
and the flame of charity enkindled
in our hearts by the Holy Spirit,
reawaken in us the blessed hope
for the coming of your Kingdom.
May your grace transform us
into tireless cultivators of the seeds of the Gospel.
May those seeds transform from within
both humanity and the whole cosmos
in the sure expectation
of a new heaven and a new earth,
when, with the powers of Evil vanquished,
your glory will shine eternally.
May the grace of the Jubilee
reawaken in us, Pilgrims of Hope,
a yearning for the treasures of heaven.
May that same grace spread
the joy and peace of our Redeemer
throughout the earth.
To you, our God, eternally blessed,
be glory and praise for ever. Amen.

Download Prayer Card

Universal prayers for the Jubilee Year

Individuals and parish communities are encouraged to place a regular emphasis on hope in their prayers. The universal prayers (draft version available for download below), are designed for use particularly during the celebration of the Eucharist. These prayers include general intentions for the Year of Hope as well as specific themes aligned with the monthly focus of the Jubilee calendar. Updated regularly throughout the year, they will be accessible on the diocesan website and shared with clergy and parishes through the diocesan weekly communication and bulletin messages.

Download universal prayers

Jubilee hymn—Pilgrims of Hope

In celebration of the Jubilee Year of Hope, a special hymn has been selected to unite the faithful worldwide in song, and parishes are encouraged to incorporate it regularly into their liturgies. The hymn, with lyrics by Pierangelo Sequeri and music by Francesco Meneghello, beautifully weaves together many themes of the Holy Year. A recording of the the Jubilee hymn, performed by the Choir of the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, Washington, DC, under the direction of Peter Latona is available below:

Download hymnWaTCh with slidesDownload sheet music

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Jubilee news and events

The Vatican’s Jubilee calendar highlights key dates for celebration and prayer, emphasising the hope brought to the Church and the world by the diverse vocations and groups within the faithful, with events scheduled almost daily. The below linked calendar of major Vatican events provides a focused monthly theme.

Where feasible, diocesan events and celebrations will align with these themes, recognising that the calendar is structured around Northern Hemisphere seasons.  In other cases, while we will join the Universal Church in prayer for these groups, their contributions will be celebrated at times more suited to our local context (e.g., the diocesan annual catechist Mass, marriage anniversaries Mass, and youth and young adult events will take place independently of the Vatican calendar).

Download Vatican major events

See below also for diocesan news and events that will be updated regularly.
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Diocesan Jubilee news

Diocesan Jubilee events

Faith Formation during the Jubilee Year

In selecting the motto Pilgrims of Hope for the Jubilee, Pope Francis emphasises the transformative potential of hope: “We must fan the flame of hope that has been given to us and help everyone to gain new strength and certainty by looking to the future with an open spirit, a trusting heart, and far-sighted vision. The Jubilee Year can greatly contribute to restoring a climate of hope and trust as a prelude to the renewal and rebirth we so greatly desire.”

Faith formation that inspires both personal and Church-wide renewal is at the heart of this call. Bishop Brian Mascord sees this Jubilee Year as a providential moment to advance the Come and See, Go and Make vision for the Diocese of Wollongong. He encourages individuals and communities to prayerfully engage with this guiding document, supported by updated videos and resources available for parish use, inviting them to approach the Jubilee with hope, proclaiming: “Be overwhelmed not by fear, but by hope!” (CSGM, para. 69).

Pope Francis has further invited the faithful to embrace formation centered on the Catechism of the Catholic Church and documents of the Second Vatican Council.

Other formation ideas and resources

Catechism in a Year

Pope Francis encourages us to delve into the Catechism as a means of deepening our understanding of God’s love. Catechism in a Year with Fr Mike Schmitz has inspired millions, offering daily insights into God’s mercy and our call to missionary discipleship. While the program begins on January 1, you can join anytime and progress at your own pace with just 15–20 minutes a day.


Formed: your Catholic streaming platform

Described as “Netflix for Catholics”, Formed provides free access to high-quality faith formation resources for parishioners in the Diocese of Wollongong. Funded by Bishop Brian, it includes videos, courses, movies, audiobooks, and content for all ages.
To access:

  1. Visit www.formed.org and click Formed for Individuals.
  2. Follow the prompts to register under the Diocese of Wollongong.

Formation on the Mass and Eucharist

Deepen your community’s understanding of the Eucharist with Jesus and the Eucharist, a seven-week program available on Formed. This resource includes videos, guides, and promotional materials, perfect for parish initiatives.


Hallow: a world of Catholic prayer

Hallow is the world’s leading Catholic prayer app, offering over 8,000 guided meditations, Bible readings, and prayer sessions. Join millions in growing closer to God through this app, featuring contributors like Mark Wahlberg and Jonathan Roumie. Enjoy a free three-month trial.


Lenten and Advent programs

The Diocese’s Lenten and Advent booklets offer a meaningful way to prepare for Easter and Christmas through personal and group reflection. These resources foster inner conversion, prayer, and community building.


Faith Circles

Faith Circles provides free weekly resources for small groups to reflect on the Sunday Gospel. Easy to use, they feature discussion questions, prayer points, and reflections to nurture faith and community.


The Chosen: the Gospel comes alive

The Chosen, a globally acclaimed series, has brought Jesus’ story to life for millions. Available for free, this cinematic experience is an excellent resource for personal or group viewing.


Annual training courses

The Diocese offers annual training for SRE Catechists, open to all parishioners. Topics range from faith-sharing to personal formation, providing valuable learning opportunities for anyone.


The Journey: weekly diocesan podcast

The Journey podcast offers weekly reflections on faith, hope, and love, featuring Gospel reflections, Catholic music, and inspirational speakers.


Family camping weekends

Vibrant family life is one of the Church’s greatest sources of hope and joy. The diocese’s annual camping weekends have become cherished traditions, fostering community and faith among families. These weekends offer an enriching experience filled with delicious food, sports, games, music, and campfires. Each gathering includes Mass and Jubilee-themed sessions on hope for both adults and young people.


A Jubilee retreat experience

The Jubilee Year provides a graced opportunity to deepen faith through retreat experiences that inspire hope and renewal. The Diocese of Wollongong encourages participation in a variety of retreats throughout 2025, including:

Stay connected

Stay informed about diocesan events, formation opportunities, and free resources to nurture your faith during the Jubilee Year.

STAY CONNECTEDweekly parish notices

Parish formation ideas and resources

The Jubilee Year provides parishes with a unique opportunity to embrace its themes of pilgrimage, Reconciliation, formation, and prayer. Here are some practical ideas to inspire your community:

  • Pilgrimages:
    • Organise parish pilgrimages to diocesan Jubilee sites for Mass, Reconciliation, and Holy Hours, utilising the Pilgrim Passport to engage with the Jubilee indulgence.
    • Promote participation in Australian pilgrimages to Rome or the Holy Land during 2025.
  • Reconciliation focus: Offer formation on the Sacrament of Reconciliation and make it more accessible. Consider hosting a Mercy Night with Scripture readings, prayer, music, and Confession to celebrate God’s mercy. Mercy Night template coming soon!
  • Liturgical enhancements:
    • Use the official Jubilee prayer and hymn regularly.
    • Incorporate the diocesan universal prayers which include general intentions and those tailored to monthly themes of hope and gratitude.
  • Personal and communal renewal:
    • Commit to prayer and fasting for loved ones and community members who have drifted from their faith.
    • Foster a spirit of thanksgiving, encounter with the Lord, and penance, as encouraged by Pope Francis.
    • Share hope through service and evangelisation, offering outreach opportunities like visits to the elderly, support for the homeless, or other community projects.
  • Stories of hope:
    • Host events where parishioners or guest speakers share testimonies of how faith and hope have transformed their lives.
    • Highlight saints of hope in newsletters, such as St Teresa of Calcutta, Blessed Carlo Acutis, and St John Paul II.
  • Prayer and invitation:
    • Encourage parishioners to pray for five individuals to be renewed in faith and to share their own faith with them.
    • Use liturgical seasons like Advent, Christmas, Lent, and Easter as opportunities to invite others to Mass and follow up with programs such as Alpha or Faith Circles.

By embracing these initiatives, parishes can become vibrant communities of renewal and hope, actively participating in the grace of the Jubilee Year.
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