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Introduction: Evangelisation (Wollongong & Zoom)

Date: Wednesday 12 March, 2025
Time: 7–9pm
Venue: Wollongong & Zoom
Cost: FREE


The Australian Catholic Bishop’s Conference tells us that Evangelisation is “encounter, discipleship and mission”, but what do we mean when we say those words? Discover why evangelisation isn’t just an optional part of our faith. It is the evidence of our faith. Through word and the testimony of our lives, we are all called to share the Gospel. It is the great adventure of our lives, will we miss it?


To assist parish communities in understanding and implementing Come & See, Go & Make: A Vision for Parishes (CSGM), we have developed a program of formation, known as the Formation Pathway. Consisting of introductory, intermediate and advanced formation, the Formation Pathway is designed to explore core concepts of parish renewal, equip and encourage the faithful, and help to nurture the existing culture of growth – personally and as a community. For more information, please see the Formation Pathway overview.


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Wollongong & Zoom
Contact Person
Peter Gilmore
0431 611 128