Office of Renewal and Evangelisation

The Office of Renewal and Evangelisation (ORE) is part of the Office of the Bishop and exists in the diocese to support the renewal of Catholic life and culture in vibrant communities that embrace the mission of the Church in new ways.

As proclaimed by Pope Francis, this cultural renewal is grounded in “a missionary impulse capable of transforming everything, so that the Church’s customs, ways of doing things, times and schedules, language and structures can be suitably channeled for the evangelisation of today’s world rather than for her self-preservation” (Evangelii Gaudium, 27). The ORE also incorporates the diocesan staff of youth ministry, liturgy and the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine (catechists in government schools).


The purpose of the ORE team in the diocese is to aid parish communities to effectively propose Jesus Christ, make disciples and equip the faithful to carry out the mission of Jesus Christ in the world.


The vision for the ORE team is that all people in our diocese personally encounter the love and mercy of the Father through Jesus Christ, live in vibrant communities of believers, and share this encounter in the power of the Holy Spirit.


The ORE is committed to a set of values leading to cultural transformation and renewal within the diocese.

In an organisational context, culture is expressed as the predictable ways of thinking and acting, in what we tolerate and reward, and how we spend our time and money. With Pope Francis, we believe this renewal of the Church cannot be deferred. Our values are:

Encounter with Jesus

We believe encountering the risen Jesus through hearing the basic Gospel proclaimed and openness to the Holy Spirit, transforms lives.

Deepening Relationships

Growing and nurturing strong and ongoing relationships with God and each other, is vital for the health of individuals and communities and is at the heart of discipleship and Christian faith.

Sunday Eucharist

The joy, beauty and relevance of our Sunday Eucharist is the source of our renewed self-giving and participation in mission.

Personal invitation

Our experience of the transformative power of our encounter with Jesus, of a loving community and Sunday Eucharist, leads us to joyfully look for opportunities to invite others into these relationships.

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Key objectives



Foster engaging worship and music as part of a vibrant and relevant sacramental life.



Develop communities of welcome, belonging and relationship, where people are known and loved.



Identify and nurture the gifts and desire of individuals in communities for the service of God and others.



Share our love for Jesus, invite others to encounter the love of God and the parish community, creating a desire to belong and know more.



Nurture and grow the desire of parishioners to deepen their understanding of, and relationship with Jesus and the Church.

Intentional leadership


Build a culture where leaders inspire, nurture and empower people to live out their fundamental calling as missionary disciples.

Strategic Plan


Staff directory

Office of Renewal and Evangelisation


Mr Jude Hennessy

Director of the Office of Renewal and Evangelisation
local_phone (02) 4222 2407

Mr Peter Gilmore

Coordinator of Evangelisation and Parish Renewal
local_phone (02) 4222 2464

Mrs Frances Fairs

CCD Coordinator
local_phone 0427 475 339

Sr Monica Barlow RSJ

Sacramental and Liturgy Coordinator
local_phone (02) 4222 2462

Ms Sue Clark

CCD Administration and Support Officer

Ms Helen Bennett

Executive Assistant
local_phone (02) 4222 2403

Mr Max Norden

Sound Editor—The Journey Catholic Radio
local_phone (02) 4222 2467