Parish life

Updated parish directives (3 JUNE 2020) as a result of coronavirus (COVID–19)

June 4, 2020

The Church is the people of God

Updated parish directives as a result of coronavirus (COVID-19)

AS OF 3 JUNE 2020


From Wednesday 3 June 2020, Catholic churches and chapels in the Diocese of Wollongong will‌ be able to open for Masses, Weddings, Funerals and Baptisms, subject to the following‌ directives:


These directives have been revised as a result of the release of the Public Health (COVID-19 Restrictions on Gathering and Movement) Order (no 3) 2020 under the NSW Public Health Act 2010 and issued by the NSW Minister for Health and Medical Research on 29 May 2020.

The timing of re-opening our church buildings is left to the discretion of the parish priest and local‌ parish leadership but should only take place when the standards required to protect the health and safety of clergy, parish staff and parishioners are met. As always, an abundance of caution and prudence should be exercised when considering the appropriate point when church buildings can‌ or should be reopened for the public celebration of the Sacred Liturgy and the Sacraments.‌

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