Mass and other times submission form

  • Attendance booking instructions

    Visit the parishes page, religious and other communities page, or non-English speaking communities page to see what instructions we have currently listed up on the top of your page to inform parishioners of how to book in for parish Masses and activities (including Christmas). If you would like us to update these instructions, please provide the correct text in the following field. Leave blank if you are happy with what we currently have up there.

  • Mass Times

    Visit the parishes page, religious and other communities page, or non-English speaking communities page to see what times we are currently displaying for your parish(es) or community and complete below where necessary.

  • Click + button to additional time(s)
    DayTimeMass Centre Suburb (leave blank if parish church)Notes (e.g. 1st Sunday of the month) 

  • Click + button to additional time(s)
    TimeMass Centre Suburb (leave blank if parish church)Notes 

  • Click + button to additional time(s)
    TimeMass Centre Suburb (leave blank if parish church)Notes 

  • Reconciliation Times

    Visit the parishes page, religious and other communities page, or non-English speaking communities page to see what times we are currently displaying for your parish(es) or community and complete below where necessary.

  • Click + button to additional time(s)
    DayTimeMass Centre Suburb (leave blank if parish church)Notes 

  • Click + button to additional time(s)
    DateTimeMass Centre Suburb (leave blank if parish church)Notes 

  • Click + button to additional time(s)
    DateTimeMass Centre Suburb (leave blank if parish church)Notes 

  • Other Times

    Visit the parishes page, religious and other communities page, or non-English speaking communities page to see what times we are currently displaying for your parish(es) or community and complete below where necessary.

  • Click + button to additional time(s)
    DayTimeMass Centre Suburb (leave blank if parish church)Notes (e.g. Rosary, Adoration etc)