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menALIVE Father and Son Weekend

Start Date: Friday 25 October, 2019
End Date: Sunday 27 October, 2019
Time: 6:30pm
Venue: Cataract Scout Camp, Appin
Cost: $350 (includes two nights accommodation and meals plus adventure activities for father and son)
RSVP: 18 October 2019

Book Now
Cataract Scout Camp
Contact Person
Jude Hennessy
Street Address
Baden Powell Drive, Apin
(02) 4222 2407

When did you last feel fully alive?

The “Growing good men” weekend (Friday 25 to Sunday 27 October 2019) is an experientially-based program which encourages and enables fathers and sons to strengthen their relationship and to explore important issues of growing into manhood. It is designed for fathers and their adolescent sons aged 12–16 years (school years between 7–10). The weekend experience explores:

  • The importance of the father and son bond for both generations
  • Dealing with anger
  • Friendship with girls and women
  • The quest for identity
  • Rite of Passage.

Who are menALIVE?

menALIVE is a national Catholic ministry to men which was founded out of a response to a great need in the hearts and lives of men and a great need in the life of the Catholic Church. The purpose of menALIVE is to bring men together, to renew their faith in God and to encourage them to become an active force within the Church. Through a variety of events and programs, men are invited to explore what God would want for their lives and how they might come to experience the fullness of life that God wants for us all.