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What is God saying to the Church?

Date: Wednesday 2 March, 2022
Time: 5:00AM
Venue: Online via Zoom

March 2022 marks nearly two years since the pandemic hit. Around the world, the Church found herself wrestling with tremendous challenges but also finding bold new opportunities to proclaim the Gospel and live out the call to discipleship.

Join a conversation between Fr. James Mallon, Bishop Robert Barron, and Rev. Nicky Gumbel as they explore together what God is saying to the Church through all of this, what we can learn, and where to focus on for the future.

If you have any questions, please reach out to the Divine Renovation (DR) team at [email protected]

We encourage you to register below, even if you are unable to attend, as you will also receive a video recording of the event after it has concluded:

register now

Host a watch party!

As the timing may be unsuitable, we encourage you to host a ‘watch party’ at the day and time of choosing for your parish or communities.

Here’s how it works: gather (in-person or online) and host a watch party featuring this conversation with Fr. James Mallon, Bishop Robert Barron, and Revd. Nicky Gumbel. See what they discern to be the most urgent call for the Church today, and then discuss as a group how God might be calling your community to mission during this crucial time in the life of the Church.


If you have any questions, please reach out to the team at [email protected]

Special Guests

Divine Renovation Network

Whilst not the only tool utilised by the Office of Renewal and Evangelisation (ORE), many parishes within and beyond our Diocese are finding the Divine Renovation Network, along with its associated webinars, training events and tools, to be of great assistance in becoming more deeply mission focused. We are therefore always keen to promote and provide you with access to this network and its resources.  Other tools and resources can be found throughout the Media & Resources section of our Diocesan Website.  For further information please contact our office at 4222 2403.