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Catholic Business Connections August Zoom Catch-up

Date: Thursday 19 August, 2021
Time: 12:00pm–1pm
Venue: Zoom
Speaker: Sr Mary Leahy RSJ OAM
Topic: The other essential workers
RSVP: Tuesday 17 August, 2021

Once again we find ourselves facing new and uncertain times. I hope that you and your family are well and staying hope-filled. 

On behalf of Bishop Brian, I invite you to a Zoom catch up on Thursday 19 August between 12noon-1:00pm. This was the day CBC members and friends were next to meet. Everyone is welcome!

Bishop Brian has invited Sr Mary Leahy RSJ OAM Port Chaplain to Mission to Seafarers Australia, to share stories and insights of her extraordinary ministry. If you are free and can attend, please RSVP by clicking the following link:

rsvplearn more about cbc

Contact Person
Debbie Gates
(02) 4222 2446

Special Guests

Held on Sunday 11 July, Sea Sunday helps highlight the dreadful plight faced by many seafarers and is a powerful way of lobbying for their rights within the industry.

Whether it is a seafarer not being fed, paid or being ill-treated, Sr Mary Leahy is always there to champion those seafarers without a voice. 

The Josephite nun is also the first they call on if unable to contact loved ones after a death in the family or just desperately lonely and homesick after spending months on end at sea.

“Being able to help these people every day is a privilege, and I couldn’t imagine doing anything else. They are always in danger, in isolation and generally forgotten by society, yet they carry 98% of world trade.”

Sr Mary came to Australia from Ireland following her sister Geraldine, also a nun, in 1979 and initially trained to be a nurse.

After her profession as a Sister of St Joseph, she worked at St Vincent’s Hospital until her appointment as a Port Chaplain in 1992.

Today, Sr Mary is the Regional Coordinator for Oceania for Stella Maris. Awarded an Order of Australia medal in January 2018, in recognition for her 20-year service with the Archdiocese of Sydney’s Stella Maris Apostleship of the Sea, she is very content with her calling despite the often-rough waters.

“Over the past 20 years, I think I’ve seen it all, nothing surprises me anymore which is probably why I’m so trusted by them” says Sr Mary. 

Catholic Business Connections (CBC) is an opportunity for business women and men in our diocese (active and retired) who share common values, to network and engage with each other and leaders representing the diocese. CBC gathers four times a year for lunch and to listen to guest speakers chosen to inspire with their unique story and share how they relate their work and spiritual life experience to the context of living in a modern world.