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Beloved Retreat: Catholic Women’s Network

Date: Saturday 5 November, 2022
Time: 8:30am–5:30pm
Venue: Benedict XVI Retreat Centre
Topic: Women's Retreat
Cost: 75

“I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine”
Songs of Solomon 6:3

The Catholic Women’s Network invites you to join them for a day retreat, and uncover more of your Belovedness. A perfect way to prepare your heart to close out the year and soften into the upcoming season of Advent.

Engaging speakers, opportunities for prayer, worship, adoration, confession, Mass, and more.

Lunch and refreshments included.

The Diocesan Youth Ministry Coordinator Meg McAlister is attending the retreat, if anyone has any questions about the retreat they can contact her at [email protected]

Book Now
Benedict XVI Retreat Centre
Contact Person
Meg McAlister
Street Address
347 Grose Wold Rd, Grose Vale NSW 2753

Special Guests

We’re excited to announce the speakers for our Beloved retreat – these women will each bring words of deep nourishment, tenderness, and refreshment.

Sr Mary Julian
Heather Khym (virtual)
Jessica Doherty

We are also delighted to have Fr. Daniele Russo joining us for Confession and Mass