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Believing ‘All Shall be Well’ with Julian of Norwich

Start Date: Friday 7 February, 2025
End Date: Sunday 9 February, 2025
Time: Fri 5pm—Sun 1pm
Venue: Jamberoo Abbey
Speaker: Sr Julian Grigor OSB
Topic: Julian of Norwich
Cost: $150

What makes Julians most famous saying, “All shall be well,” more than a medieval “Don’t worry! Be happy”? Julian wrestled with this question for twenty years. Julian understood that at the heart of her visions there was a bold assertion about the fundamental nature of reality itself – that God is love.

Come and behold love and hope in a suffering world this weekend with Julian of Norwich as our guide.

Book and pay for this retreat by ringing 02 4236 0011 Extension 114  or email [email protected]. A full retreat program will be made available to you when you book for this retreat.

Jamberoo Abbey
Contact Person
Debbie Watsford
Street Address
Jamberoo Mountain Road Jamberoo, NSW
02 4236 0011 Extension 114

Special Guests

Sr. Antonia entered the Benedictine Abbey at Jamberoo, Australia, in 1990 and made her Solemn Profession in 1996. In 1997, she was appointed novice mistress and continued in that role for the next seventeen years. In 2001, she was appointed novice mistress at our foundation of Our Lady of the Desert in New Mexico, USA, and in 2004 was again at Our Lady of the Desert, this time as Prioress.

Sr Antonia was awarded a Certificate in Spiritual Direction from the Centre for Religious Development, Cambridge Massachusetts USA in 1995 and has worked as a spiritual director in our guest cottages during the ensuing years.

Sr Antonia gives conferences on the vows to the local sisters in formation and writes our the Abbey chronicles as well as many other spiritual works. As well she has a reflections page on the Abbey website and has many other on line retreats available for those interested in a range of topics.

Sr Antonia would like to thank her sisters in community who have been so supportive and helpful in putting this retreat together.