
The Season of Creation: Wonder and Awe

October 5, 2021

The Season of Creation has concluded, an annual Christian celebration of prayer and action for our common home, which begins with the arrival of Spring, and lasts to the Feast of St Francis of Assisi on 4 October.

In this final week of the Season of Creation, the theme is Wonder and Awe. As the ACBC 2021 Social Justice statement says:

Every moment and encounter
is an opportunity to be amazed by beauty,
enraptured by amazement,
and consoled by the traces of divine presence.

The final prayer goes as follows:

God of wonders,
you show us your beauty in all created things.

Help us to pay attention:
to the taste of the ocean on our lips,
the warmth of the sun on our hands,
the song of birds in the morning and evening,
the fragrance of the earth after rain,
and to the star that guides us.

Creator God,
we stand in awe of all that you have made.

Fill our hearts with gratitude
for every good gift, great and small,
that feeds and forms us,
inviting and enabling us
to become people who are fully alive
in your amazing grace.



During this Season of Creation, I would invite you to download and read the Social Justice Statement, and to download and share the resources and prayers with your family and your community, which can be accessed by clicking down below:


I also encourage you to learn more about the Laudato Si’ Action Platform, a great initiative the Vatican launched this year.

Lastly, on the day following the Feast of St Francis on Assisi, may we continue to ask for the intercession of this wonderful saint for our times! While this Season of Creation has concluded, our work is only just beginning – may we always ask Christ to be our guide!


Sr Monica Barlow RSJ
Sacramental and Liturgy Consultant
Catholic Diocese of Wollongong













Cover Image: Till Niermann (2019), Koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) in Zoo Duisburg, Germany, Wikimedia Commons, Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0).

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