Plenary Council

Postponement of the first assembly of the Plenary Council

April 15, 2020

In response to the dramatic changes caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Bishops of Australia have made the difficult but necessary decision to postpone the first assembly of the Plenary Council, which was scheduled to be held in October this year.

Changes in the way people live, work and communicate due to the pandemic, led the Bishops Commission for the Plenary Council to consult with the advisory and planning teams, as well as the wider Australian Catholic Bishops Conference, as part of making this decision.

Plenary Council President, Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB, has noted that in a time of such upheaval, including severe restrictions on travel and group meetings, the postponement was unavoidable. The Bishops will consider proposals for an alternative timeline for the Council’s two assemblies at their biannual meeting in May. They remain committed to the Plenary Council journey and affirm that two assemblies will take place.

Announcements and up-to-date information will be made available through the Plenary Council website, the Plenary Post electronic newsletter and social media channels.

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