In cooperation with Parousia, the diocese is hosting Catholic speaker and Catholic Answers apologist, Trent Horn (USA). Trent shares his conversion story and explains how the grace of God guided him through the biblical and historical evidence and led him to faith in Jesus Christ and the Church he founded. Come along and engage with this powerful speaker.
Join us for Mass at 5pm followed by a light supper at 6pm before the presentation at 6:30pm at the Xavier Conference Centre.
RSVP: All welcome – for catering purposes – please RSVP by Wednesday, 4 March 2020 to Helen Bennett 4222 2403 or click RSVP below.
After his conversion to the Catholic faith, Trent Horn earned master’s degrees in the fields of theology, philosophy, and bioethics. He serves as a staff apologist for Catholic Answers, where he specializes in teaching Catholics to graciously and persuasively engage those who disagree with them.
Trent models that approach each week on the radio program Catholic Answers Live and on his own podcast, The Counsel of Trent. He has also been invited to debate at UC Berkeley, UC Santa Barbara, and Stanford University.
Trent is an adjunct professor of apologetics at Holy Apostles College, has written for The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly, and is the author of nine books, including Answering Atheism, The Case for Catholicism, and Why We’re Catholic: Our Reasons for Faith, Hope, and Love.
What Catholic leaders are saying about Trent Horn
“Trent Horn is a very effective defender of the Faith and a great model to young people of how to advance the Church’s mission of the New Evangelization.” Scott Hahn, The Father Michael Scanlan TOR Professor of Biblical Theology and the New Evangelization, Franciscan University of Steubenville
“Trent Horn is among the best apologists I know. He is careful, thoughtful, engaging, and winsome in his presentations of Catholic beliefs and in his arguments.” Mark Brumley, President of Ignatius Press
“Trent Horn has the ability not only to defend the Faith but even more to present the beauty of the Faith in convincing ways. While he is fully capable of producing sound bites that catch the attention of both youths and adults, his best work explains tough truths in logical and illuminating ways.” Most Rev. Thomas J. Olmsted, Bishop of the Diocese of Phoenix
“Trent is perhaps the top Millennial evangelist in the Church today, and one of its greatest speakers. When Trent speaks, either to fellow Catholics or people who vociferously disagree, you just marvel at how masterfully he covers the topic and answers the objections. If Socrates and St. Paul and St. Thomas Aquinas merged into a twenty-first century Catholic, it would look an awful lot like Trent” Brandon Vogt, Content Director at Word on Fire Ministries
“What makes Trent Horn an excellent apologist, apart from the fact that he’s incredibly bright, is that he seems better able to formulate his opponent’s arguments than they can. He’s intellectually honest, articulate, and able to explain complex theoretical ideas in entertaining and understandable ways. I’m glad he’s on our side!” Matt Fradd, Catholic speaker and author
“Trent Horn is a gifted Catholic apologist as well as a compelling speaker. He presents Catholicism in an intelligent, careful, and winsome manner, providing to his listeners a model of how an ambassador of the Church ought to offer an account of our Faith in public.” Francis J. Beckwith, professor of philosophy and Church-state studies, Baylor University
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Our diocesan logo is theologically rich and very succinct. As a hand, it depicts our mission as a diocese and as individuals within the diocese, of bearing (bringing, carrying) Christ’s love to one another and to the world around us. In this, we are the hand of Jesus Christ, and we are offering ourselves to him so that he might work through us.
We can be the bearers of his love only as a response to his call and in the strength of his grace. We are reminded of this in two ways—through the symbol of the dove (the Holy Spirit) also present in the logo, and by the incorporation of the cross that segments the logo. The presence of the cross is a reminder that bearing the love of Christ will inevitably cost us if we live it authentically. However, in the way that the Cross is the portent of redemption and life—an echo of the tree of life in the book of Genesis—so becoming bearers of the love of Christ will also bring us to life.
The four fingers of the hand also represent the four regions of our diocese. The first is bluerepresenting the beautiful water of the Shoalhaven. The second is a blue and green combination representing the waters and escarpment of the Illawarra. The third is greendepicting the hills and plains of the Macarthur. The fourth is dark green illustrating the forests of the Southern Highlands.